Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Studying the art of studying.

Hello blog~!
It has been an age since I posted a blog.... And now is the time to get my fingers typing away! [coughatschoolcough cough.....]

So far the new house has been spendid~ It still smells of fresh paint and sometimes the odd stench of poisonous varnish, but its nice and homely. I can't believe that I am actually still alive without a week of domestic internet... Which is why here I am, cooped up on a laggy school computer, typing away my little life on blogger~
At chamber orchestra, I was late because I woke up terribly late... To be honest, I WILL blame all the hectic dreams I've been having for a few days straight. (The 'dreams' side blog will be updated shortly after school :D ). So yeah, I woke up late and rushed all the way to school... Sheepishly stepping into the music room and slipping into my seat.

Safe! C:

This Friday, is mock exam day.

I need, need, need, need, NEED to study.

Problem: I (As an unevolved [attention span wise] creature) cannot comprehend the meaning of 'Studying'.

To-Do list:
[Eng]Reading, writing, dying.
[Mus]Practice my violin, not the piano. OTL

Yeah. Well... I'm screwed. I don't even know why I bother making a list when I don't even follow them. <- [Thats bad. REAL bad.]

Oh yeah. Tomorrow is also the last day of the interclub season!! I'm so excited cause then I'll be FREE!!! Although I'm not really looking forward to singles ladder next year.... Hope I get into a good team! Also... In three weeks its Nationals!! :D

Study study study~!

Now: Working on Composition
Thinking: "Me sooo Hungee... ;_; "
Before: All of the above.
Later: Going to practice violin
Reaction: Still Dying. OTL

I think I'll take a rest for now.

Until then~

