Monday, December 19, 2011

Take off

Yes, I've got the song 'Take off' by 2PM stuck in my head and yes, I am preparing for a flight to Malaysia. Its been 3 good years since I've gone back; all the catching up to do and food to eat!

However my purpose for returning back is not all sunshine and rainbows. In a few days I will be with my family to attend to a personal event which isn't something people would usually look forward to, if you would like.

Although I am not a frequent nor eager traveler when it comes to planes, I have my psp charged to maximum with new otome games and Dissidia just screaming out for some more fighting and saving the world. Such will be the frame of a good 10 hours utilized to the best of a gamer's ability. Furthermore my friend had recommended me to play Bejeweled on during the flight, I immediately agreed to that. Reason? Well the last time I went back to Malaysia, lets just say that a good 3 hours was spent with my dried prune-like eyes glued to the TV screen trying to beat a personal high score. Mark my words, you will be surprised at how addicting Bejeweled is.

So other than time spent like a gamer in heaven, I do intend to watch a couple of movies and shows. Disappointed that the movie meetup with my friends today was postponed, I hope that the airplane shows Contagion! Slim chance though...

Anyways, I better get going. Mum trying to stuff family gifts into my poor luggage. ; A ;

P.s. Why yes, I am rather fond of Ao no Exorcist. How did you know? = u =


It feels like you have been avoiding me recently. Was I annoying you to that extent?

My apologies.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

; u ;

Up and Boy in Striped Pyjamas in ONE NIGHT?
Tv, I <3 you.


To let go of a cherished belonging, object and/or person is one of the hardest things to do over the course of a human life, well that's my opinion.

To experience this moment is stressful. From recently going through one of these moments, the symptoms evident were messy scheduling, insomnia, stream-of-conscience talking, indecisiveness and somewhat lack of self-care. Seeing everyone being distraught over the fear of letting go frightens me back into reality.

Friday, December 16, 2011

I don't even-

I don't even know why this fandom revived itself. Honestly. But here we go again.

Gosh. I take that ALL back. Just scrolling through a bit of Tumblr leaves me asking myself WHY I stopped having this fandom. Oh my god, oh my gawd, DAT LEGAL ROLL. B|
And the hat. Oh the hat. This leaves me with the sudden realization that I love guys with hats. Good hats. Or guys who look good in glasses.
\Tries to touch Legal! Luke's hat on the monitor screen. ; u ;

Right. That was rude of me, not even announcing which crazy fandom which revived.
Legal! Luke from Professah Layton is back in business. Not that he wasn't already back...

Next to Crow, Legal! Luke is just- adskfjlfdajfklagdkgal. Which translate into being indescribable with the Queen's English. I know! This reminds me of a puzzle- \\shot. He is just the cutest apprentice of an Archeologist/Professor/Puzzle enthusiast evar, and it makes me cry metaphoric tears of joy knowing that I have played 4 games of awesome with Luke and one game of Luke as the smoking hot legal British guy who rolls across the floor like a BAMF in a casino to avoid gunfire during a shooting. ; u ;

Yes, I think that fits Legal! Luke: A smoking hot legal British guy. = u =
And to commemorate the revival of this lovely fandom, here's a meme I will NEVER get tired of reading <3 (Open as new tab to enlarge)


Oh my.

SPOILER ALERT for KHR chapter 366.

By God, that was the most wow chapter I've read in quite a while. Mostly because of the last page, but wow. Adsfklj- I'm just dying from excitement a the moment.

Arcobaleno tournament arc is the best arc EVAR. ; u ;
Those kids be badass. B|
I wonder who else is going to use their 'present' next. GoshifitsRebornnextI'mgoingtojustdieofhappiness.

I just thought that its such a shame that the KHR anime ended with the TYL! arc; it would've been a huge hit with the Arcobaleno tournament arc! This just makes up for the Inheritance ceremony arc, as the TunaImeanTsuna/Enma fight was such a let down. Screaming at a potential friend to 'wake them up' which ends the battle is not what readers would count as action-packed. B|

So anyways, KHR chap 366 was so beautiful with the mass production of street lights and homing missiles everywhereeee ; u ;

And Colonnello. <3

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Subway bros. B|

F yeah. I don't know why the Battle Subway twins aren't as loved as the other supporting characters of Pokemon, thus I have barged into the net with news of fandom.

Battle Subway twins Ingo and Emmet. Just reading this minor sentence already explains enough; They're twins, they battle at a subway, and battling at ridiculous places just screams out Pokemon. I mean, come on. Battling on a Subway Train. Isn't a train a tad too small? With Pokemon such as a Garbador and Eelektross on the battlefield, shit would certainly go down.

Ever since the Subway twins made their entrance in the parody comic 'Black Adventures', many people have been insisting that Ingo and Emmet are German. I do not mind whatsoever. They do look a tad German.... Its the sideburns.

But I think that the twins are also loveable because of their pretty coat and hats. I like conductor hats, they so cool.
Oh dear. It seems that all this fandom has left me with a slight case of limited vocabulary and fail grammar'ing. Thus I go! :D


Tomorrow, the day after, and the day after that.

Sometimes not knowing things lets one experience the gripping vice of anticipation.
That feeling of excitement; I long for it.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Breaking Barriers.

To be frank, I dislike the first impression of me being a goody-to-shoes otaku nerd. If I ever crossed paths with a time machine, I would happily change my hobbies to rid myself of this label. Not only does this label feel like my peers only seek my advice in curing their boredom with my rumored overflowing knowledge in Japanese animation, but it also makes me feel like I'm just a nobody filling in as a faceless 'friend'.

Playing all these games made me realize that I'm just a loner, complaining about reality when I should be facing it instead. Seeing characters being happy, finding love, or even creating bonds to combat evil makes me jealous. I feel a need for someone to read this blog, heck even just this post is fine. Sticking my face in front of a screen for most of my days left me with a bad habit of being unable to voice out my feelings.

I want to be heard.


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Starry Sky

Just recently, I began to play an otome game named 'Starry Sky'. As an otome game serves the purpose of attracting girls to win their lovers, this game has done a good job at that. One thing that appealed to me about Starry Sky was the lovely artwork. It was undoubtedly a good first impression on me and everything about the art just seemed so young and fresh.
And adsklskfgl- the bishies. <3

Another factor of awesome which I liked about Starry Sky was the BGM music. It was so light and cheerful which perfectly described the game. And its also hum-able. Which just makes life so much more positive for me; ever since I started playing ffx during the holidays I couldn't stop humming the Hymn of Faith which a sombre song.

I found that Starry Sky is just so heart warming and the things that the potential lovers say are so sweet! Such as...

"If you ever need help then just call my name and I'll be there"
"The truth is, I wanted to study Japanese because I want to understand your feelings."
"That's not true! No matter what you do, you always look cute"
"I worry about you a lot, so it relieves me to know that its only a prank, but don't do this to me again!"
And so on so forth. (The quotes above were loosely translated from my lacking knowledge in Japanese.)
Maybe the boys seem so sweet because they look so adorable when they blush....
