Monday, December 19, 2011

Take off

Yes, I've got the song 'Take off' by 2PM stuck in my head and yes, I am preparing for a flight to Malaysia. Its been 3 good years since I've gone back; all the catching up to do and food to eat!

However my purpose for returning back is not all sunshine and rainbows. In a few days I will be with my family to attend to a personal event which isn't something people would usually look forward to, if you would like.

Although I am not a frequent nor eager traveler when it comes to planes, I have my psp charged to maximum with new otome games and Dissidia just screaming out for some more fighting and saving the world. Such will be the frame of a good 10 hours utilized to the best of a gamer's ability. Furthermore my friend had recommended me to play Bejeweled on during the flight, I immediately agreed to that. Reason? Well the last time I went back to Malaysia, lets just say that a good 3 hours was spent with my dried prune-like eyes glued to the TV screen trying to beat a personal high score. Mark my words, you will be surprised at how addicting Bejeweled is.

So other than time spent like a gamer in heaven, I do intend to watch a couple of movies and shows. Disappointed that the movie meetup with my friends today was postponed, I hope that the airplane shows Contagion! Slim chance though...

Anyways, I better get going. Mum trying to stuff family gifts into my poor luggage. ; A ;

P.s. Why yes, I am rather fond of Ao no Exorcist. How did you know? = u =


It feels like you have been avoiding me recently. Was I annoying you to that extent?

My apologies.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

; u ;

Up and Boy in Striped Pyjamas in ONE NIGHT?
Tv, I <3 you.


To let go of a cherished belonging, object and/or person is one of the hardest things to do over the course of a human life, well that's my opinion.

To experience this moment is stressful. From recently going through one of these moments, the symptoms evident were messy scheduling, insomnia, stream-of-conscience talking, indecisiveness and somewhat lack of self-care. Seeing everyone being distraught over the fear of letting go frightens me back into reality.

Friday, December 16, 2011

I don't even-

I don't even know why this fandom revived itself. Honestly. But here we go again.

Gosh. I take that ALL back. Just scrolling through a bit of Tumblr leaves me asking myself WHY I stopped having this fandom. Oh my god, oh my gawd, DAT LEGAL ROLL. B|
And the hat. Oh the hat. This leaves me with the sudden realization that I love guys with hats. Good hats. Or guys who look good in glasses.
\Tries to touch Legal! Luke's hat on the monitor screen. ; u ;

Right. That was rude of me, not even announcing which crazy fandom which revived.
Legal! Luke from Professah Layton is back in business. Not that he wasn't already back...

Next to Crow, Legal! Luke is just- adskfjlfdajfklagdkgal. Which translate into being indescribable with the Queen's English. I know! This reminds me of a puzzle- \\shot. He is just the cutest apprentice of an Archeologist/Professor/Puzzle enthusiast evar, and it makes me cry metaphoric tears of joy knowing that I have played 4 games of awesome with Luke and one game of Luke as the smoking hot legal British guy who rolls across the floor like a BAMF in a casino to avoid gunfire during a shooting. ; u ;

Yes, I think that fits Legal! Luke: A smoking hot legal British guy. = u =
And to commemorate the revival of this lovely fandom, here's a meme I will NEVER get tired of reading <3 (Open as new tab to enlarge)


Oh my.

SPOILER ALERT for KHR chapter 366.

By God, that was the most wow chapter I've read in quite a while. Mostly because of the last page, but wow. Adsfklj- I'm just dying from excitement a the moment.

Arcobaleno tournament arc is the best arc EVAR. ; u ;
Those kids be badass. B|
I wonder who else is going to use their 'present' next. GoshifitsRebornnextI'mgoingtojustdieofhappiness.

I just thought that its such a shame that the KHR anime ended with the TYL! arc; it would've been a huge hit with the Arcobaleno tournament arc! This just makes up for the Inheritance ceremony arc, as the TunaImeanTsuna/Enma fight was such a let down. Screaming at a potential friend to 'wake them up' which ends the battle is not what readers would count as action-packed. B|

So anyways, KHR chap 366 was so beautiful with the mass production of street lights and homing missiles everywhereeee ; u ;

And Colonnello. <3

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Subway bros. B|

F yeah. I don't know why the Battle Subway twins aren't as loved as the other supporting characters of Pokemon, thus I have barged into the net with news of fandom.

Battle Subway twins Ingo and Emmet. Just reading this minor sentence already explains enough; They're twins, they battle at a subway, and battling at ridiculous places just screams out Pokemon. I mean, come on. Battling on a Subway Train. Isn't a train a tad too small? With Pokemon such as a Garbador and Eelektross on the battlefield, shit would certainly go down.

Ever since the Subway twins made their entrance in the parody comic 'Black Adventures', many people have been insisting that Ingo and Emmet are German. I do not mind whatsoever. They do look a tad German.... Its the sideburns.

But I think that the twins are also loveable because of their pretty coat and hats. I like conductor hats, they so cool.
Oh dear. It seems that all this fandom has left me with a slight case of limited vocabulary and fail grammar'ing. Thus I go! :D


Tomorrow, the day after, and the day after that.

Sometimes not knowing things lets one experience the gripping vice of anticipation.
That feeling of excitement; I long for it.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Breaking Barriers.

To be frank, I dislike the first impression of me being a goody-to-shoes otaku nerd. If I ever crossed paths with a time machine, I would happily change my hobbies to rid myself of this label. Not only does this label feel like my peers only seek my advice in curing their boredom with my rumored overflowing knowledge in Japanese animation, but it also makes me feel like I'm just a nobody filling in as a faceless 'friend'.

Playing all these games made me realize that I'm just a loner, complaining about reality when I should be facing it instead. Seeing characters being happy, finding love, or even creating bonds to combat evil makes me jealous. I feel a need for someone to read this blog, heck even just this post is fine. Sticking my face in front of a screen for most of my days left me with a bad habit of being unable to voice out my feelings.

I want to be heard.


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Starry Sky

Just recently, I began to play an otome game named 'Starry Sky'. As an otome game serves the purpose of attracting girls to win their lovers, this game has done a good job at that. One thing that appealed to me about Starry Sky was the lovely artwork. It was undoubtedly a good first impression on me and everything about the art just seemed so young and fresh.
And adsklskfgl- the bishies. <3

Another factor of awesome which I liked about Starry Sky was the BGM music. It was so light and cheerful which perfectly described the game. And its also hum-able. Which just makes life so much more positive for me; ever since I started playing ffx during the holidays I couldn't stop humming the Hymn of Faith which a sombre song.

I found that Starry Sky is just so heart warming and the things that the potential lovers say are so sweet! Such as...

"If you ever need help then just call my name and I'll be there"
"The truth is, I wanted to study Japanese because I want to understand your feelings."
"That's not true! No matter what you do, you always look cute"
"I worry about you a lot, so it relieves me to know that its only a prank, but don't do this to me again!"
And so on so forth. (The quotes above were loosely translated from my lacking knowledge in Japanese.)
Maybe the boys seem so sweet because they look so adorable when they blush....


Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I feel so ridiculous right now. Whilst browsing through Facebook, I found out that a friend of mine takes scholarship Calculus. It felt weird, because I suddenly felt a throbbing pulse of jealousy. Not only that, but I also feel 10 times dumber and that life be trolling. Now that I read back my impulsive rants, everything just looked so unnecessary.

It is during those moments when one snaps and just vents out everything whilst feeling like a waste of space. However, I was once told that when a person talks, or yells if you'd like, when under stress and/or anger, they tend to be more careless with what they say. Thus this blog itself is pretty damn full of blabber and stream-of-conscience talks.

I am honestly so tired of being the pessimistic person cursing in spite, glaring at others with envy. But it doesn't look like that part of me will be gone any time soon. So as a change, all this negative chat will be converted into creation for the better.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I am absolutely bored. There comes a point during the holidays when sleeping in and wasting one's life away staring at a tv/computer screen becomes so lifeless. After gaming for god know how long for the past couple of days, I decided to take a break for the sake of my weary eyes, only to discover that I had nothing better to do. I feel so unmotivated and lazy that its beginning to annoy me. So in the end, its back to gaming for me. = u =

Sunday, November 20, 2011

221B Baker Street.

If you understand both the image above and the post's title, then you are on the right track to guessing what my current craze consists of.

Sherlock Holmes; the world's only consulting detective whom is a highly functioning sociopath that smokes certain recreational items, wears 3 nicotine patches at once, talks to a skull and/or plays the violin when in thought. Being a person who may occasionally not move, eat or talk for days on end, Dr. John Watson is rumored to be one of the only people who is able to tolerate such eccentric behavior.

Personally, I would shoot myself if I met 'the' Sherlock Holmes in person. Such abnormal behavior is intolerable realistically; however when one is watching said person in a TV series show, then it is a completely different story. Every time 'Sherlock' - the contemporary SH series show appears on TV, my happiness levels exponentially sky rocket. His crude remarks and quirky behavior is always refreshing, and the music which supports said character simply fits like a glove. The eccentric tunes of the guitar work magic in accompanying the show.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I personally admit that I tend to be rather attention seeking. Thus, instead of living in a world of denial, this post will instead be the dumping grounds of my shadow; my persona.

I just realized that if I ever encountered my own shadow (Play Persona 4), I would've never admitted that the being in front of me was a part of who I am. Its probably a sad looking thing, loathsome of visage. I can already imagine it, an annoying clingy girl, insinuating that she is yet to be skilled at anything, yet soaking in all the praise like a fat greedy child at a buffet. This imagery alone disgusts me, yet I will continue revealing all the horrors of my shadow.

Stubborn and two-faced, this child coops herself up at home, hating upon anything with defies her philosophy; a bigot, if you insist. Such is the life of a brat who does not know how to dream dreams or challenge limits. Such is the life of a person who stops themselves from getting what they want. This is an internal battle, with said naive child being drowned in self conflict.

Yes, I am a hypocritical, attention seeking brat, however I am willing to accept that.
I am who I am, and I am also willing to take responsibility for the actions I take.


Friday, October 14, 2011

Dead tired.

After training for two hours of badminton, I fell dead. Not only did my body troll me by choking out blood, but I also woke up with sore limbs. Walking around the house like a crippled old prune, I think that it is best if I sit here and rest for the whole day.

Speaking of resting, I HAS PSP GAMES /o/
My friend lent me her hard drive with all the psp games on itttt~ I just started playing FF7 Crisis core the other day and I just realized how much I suck at fighting games now :L Furthermore, I also attempted Dissidia, only to be bashed up by Sephiroth. I guess I'll just go back to cooking mama and PL. ; u ;

\skips away.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sherbert, shooken, torchure.

Sound familiar? Maybe not for you, but it certainly was for me.
For the past 5 odd hours, I have played the most grueling game of 'guess these two words which begin with an 's' and a 'h', has three syllables and the second word looks like hand.'

Oh life can be such a troll. B|
So after one and a half breakdowns and a couple of 'who goes there' moments with the rats, I am able to sleep at last. If a round two ever arises, I will hunt said person down and punch them senseless.

You have been warned.

P.s. then again... It was my curiosity, stubbornness and fail spelling abilities that kind of led to this predicament. Oh well.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Why thank you, Captain Obvious.

Well for heaven's sake,
how would I know that reading your mind was part of living under the same roof as you?

I'm so sick of all these expectations.
Absolutely sick .
It does me good to say that I am a hypocrite.

Not that anyone would understand anyways.
Oh sorry, is my stupidity rubbing off on you?
I'll just leave now.

You be welcome.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I don't need your words

Save your breath. It ain't worth my time.
The key is hidden in music.

I don't need a poem, or a bouquet.
Neither do I enjoy words laced with notes.
It just isn't right.

Let your instrument tell the story.
Fill it with words hidden behind a veil.

Make me speechless for all the right reasons.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Whoops. Neglected blog much?
I've been writing fanfiction recently so I guess that's the cause.
Furthermore, I have decided to reduce blogging into a 'sometimes food'. Not only does it take effort to blog almost everyday, but it is also worrying to know that I tend to think about what to blog, to the state that I result to procrastination. Well hey, speak of the devil.
\stares at homework on the table.

So anywho, I have decided to get a life
\yay~ \o/

I will come back to blog every now and then. Ish.
P.s. Loving my awesome Yosuke icon? Yes, I went icon crazy on Live Journal.
Its very addicting.
You have been warned. 8|

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Over the fence.

Somehow, I feel lonely. Not physically, but mentally. It is like standing in the middle of a scramble crossing with a horde of people, but yet it feels so lifeless and empty.

Whenever I look at my life, I feel like I'm alone. It hurts to see that friends of mine- no, I think that they classify me as an acquaintance, simply walk past me as if I were a stranger on the street. To be honest, all this smiling and attempts to pick up a conversation seems worthless against the oblivion of others.

Like you're talking to a brick wall. Hahaha...

I feel like such a stranger.
Have fun leaving me out of everything.
Out over the fence.


Sunday, May 29, 2011


I just came back from a music trip yesterday!

Photos will be up soon.


Monday, May 23, 2011


So, TWEWY stands for 'The World Ends With You'

And I just finished playing the game. :D
To be honest, I don't know why it took me four damned years to realize what I had been missing out on.

Mr. Hanekoma (AKA CAT): "Remember, the world ends with you."

Calling, you hear the calling...
Wake up, leave your hesitation
Wake up, Time for you to realize
Wake up, Show appreciation
Wake up, Time for us to realize

^ I love that song. =w=

Signing off,

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Universe.

So recently, I just watched an episode of "How I met your Mother" on tv and it was basically about Lily waiting to make a decision when 'the universe' shows her a sign. (i.e. When they find a doppelganger of Barney)

Then I started thinking about it. When will the universe come up with my calling? Well, obviously I sounds ridiculous at the moment but hey, ridiculous things happen on this blog when shiz is about to go down.

Moving along, my calling. Right.
This also reminds me about that sermon I listened to the other day at church. The pastor was talking about how God made you as who you are, and you also have to see yourself as how God sees you. But how do I know that I am on the right track?

To be honest I'm tired of wandering around. This year is already horrible as it is. I chose my wrong options and I quit badminton. Who knows what drove me to make those decisions, however I will look at whats in front of me and make the best of it.

Reminiscing about two years ago, I realized that I've become very catty and pessimistic. Getting caught up in my grades and life, I guess I didn't take my time to see what I had right in front of my face.

"Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things… and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” -Walt Disney

Well said Disney, well said.


Sunday, May 8, 2011


I just noticed how lazy I have gotten over the holidays.
Recently my motivation has been lacking and I don't think my ambition has been working properly.

I need more rewards. That's probably the problem.
Another issue is my sleeping pattern.
How does one wake up effectively in the morning?
When I was a kid, I used to wake up at 6:30 in the morning without the need for an alarm clock. These days I struggle to even get out of bed at 7am in the morning.

There is indeed a problem.
Good thing I got an alarm clock now. :D
Yay alarm clocks! \o/


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Heaven and Earth

No, I will not be preaching today.

"Heaven and Earth" is a Chinese (or Asian I guess because I'm pretty sure its also used in Japan?) saying for two opposites; yin and yang if you like.

So what made me discuss the idea of opposites?
Well, today was Saturday so that meant weekend movie day. Today my sister and I watched '27 dresses' and I was curious about why the female audience would enjoy chick flicks. You already know the ending just by watching the first 10 minutes of the show. The girl ends up with the guy.

I guess its just this girl thing to be interested in how they get to the resolution. As a fanfiction reader myself, I admit that I tend to walk into the path of drama and girly romance. So whats so wrong about it? I think that I'm acting healthy enough for my gender right? =w=

Summary: I subconsciously like good chick flicks.


Bad Apple

So, after countless encounters with the name 'Touhou', I decided to search it up and see why said game/anime/manga thing is such a huge craze.
Touhou Project is a doujin(fan-made)bullet shooting game. And according to Wikipedia, the series was inducted into the Guinness World Records in October 2010 for being the "most prolific fan-made shooter series".

So, regarding the post title, my friend had showed me the parody of Bad Apple.
Ahaha. After watching it again, I just love it how Brouji is coincidentally right after Brosuke. C:

[If the video doesn't work, click me!]

So then, I was curious about what the original video looked like.
And my interest sprung from there. I began to look for other videos which had the song (somehow) incorporated into it and I found AMAZING dance choreographs of the song. Because I study Japanese at the moment it was exciting seeing similar dance moves according to the lyrics. You honestly don't wanna know how many times I went "Squee~!"

Long story short,
Lekxly is impressed and entertained.
Lekxly is also procrastinating and not practicing her violin and doing her history project.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Meow meow mew.

I just finished my Banette gijinka cosplay and it looks.... Terrible.
It just was terrible
\burns fabric.

Which is why I turned to plan B.

Thats right. I am now going to go as a Mew gijinaka. =w=
Now before imagining a horde of pink fleece, the picture above shows how clean cut and contemporary a mew gijinka can be.

So, I guess its on with the sewing.. Again.
Lets hope that I'll be able to survive this round =w=


Monday, April 11, 2011


So as some of you might be aware, Persona 4 is a game which begins during 11 April, 2011.
Which is today.

Altus and some other animation companies have piled together and made a Persona 4 anime series. At the moment, I am counting down for Japan's 'midnight' to begin the midnight channel.

It is... 11:30 at the moment and there is 3 and a half hours till it strikes midnight in Japan. Which is 3am over here.

Yes, I am so excited that I drank green tea to keep me up and awake. This is a moment which I had never expected, to be honest.

I am overwhelmed, sitting on the edge of my seat, with a sense of hope and curiosity.


Friday, April 8, 2011

Formal writing :3

"Literature helps us understand the world better"

Whats your opinion on this? Although I am not an avid reader myself, I would have to agree with the statement above.

Yes, reading books is not as 'full on' as going to said place yourself, but have you ever thought about the historical events and ancient cities which have past and gone? With our current technology, the use of a time machine is not realistic, unfortunately.

Think. Discuss. Share. :3


Monday, April 4, 2011


More reasons for me to love music boxes and anime.

Right now: going to practice violin
Before: Watching 'The Amazing Race' and screaming at the tv.
Tomorrow: Orchestra and japanese drama day. Squee :3

Brainteaser: "If I weigh 40 kilograms, plus half my weight. How much do I weigh?"
Thoughts: The easiest way to make me happy is to play beautiful music for me.

Word of the day: "BAZINGA."
Whoop. :3


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Flittering my eyes over the various definitions of 'heart', I wanted to create my own definition of 'heart'.

Heart. The word 'heart' is a noun for a red muscular pump which beats at an average pace of 80-90 beats per minute. It is one of the most vital organs in which blood is giving oxygen as it flows through to keep a living thing alive.

The word 'heart' is a word used to describe one's emotions and desires. To 'win someone's heart' means that the person's affection was won over. To have 'a broken heart' means that a person's desire(s) have been shattered and disapproved of.

'Heartstrings' are tendons which were formerly believed to brace and sustain the heart. This word also means one's deepest feelings or affections. To 'pull his/her heartstrings' is to take said person's emotions by the reins and embrace it.

So what does your heart mean to you?


Friday, April 1, 2011

Red string.

An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet,
regardless of time, place, or circumstance.
The thread may stretch or tangle,
but it will never break.

Fate. Its a weird thing. Some people choose to believe in the scientific idea of probability and chance, but I simply sit on the fence to observe both sides.

I'm just at loss of what to say at the moment. Initially I was thinking of having a list of things I like... So I guess I'm sticking to the plan.

Things I like:

Live music playing. Whether be it for a competition or just smooth jazz in the middle of the mall, I appreciate it. There is no such thing as bad music. People improve. They play because they find something inside of music which opens up their way of expressing things.

Silence. I like to listen to the sounds which are usually drowned by the chatter and shouts of the city life. Living near a beach and having several trees in the back yard is all I could ever ask for. The quiet waves, the singing melodies, nature makes the most beautiful and soothing sounds.

Manners. I appreciate it whenever people use their 'please' and 'thank yous'. When I grow up and jump out of the box of adolescence, I would favor gentlemen.

Mystery. Being a curious person, I like new things. Things that make me think. I love going into quirky shops which sell nick nacks of sorts.

Beautiful things. I have my own concept of beauty, as you would as well. I enjoy anything that are pleasing to me. Note that I did not mention only things that a pleasing to the eye, but I also mean anything which I can also appreciate in other forms of actions like hearing music.

I'm not sure of how to end this post. There are various things which make my day. As for my birthday, I am not sure of what I would want exactly. I guess being an easily amused and entertained person is good right?


Tears on Love.

I was walking through a corridor. The silence was screaming at my ears as I walked farther in. Dimly lit candles were lined up perfectly, guiding me down the hallway.
"We have something to show you." They whispered.

Then silence was shattered as soft music strode into the corridor. Filling up the place to the brim, I was wondering where the music came from. Then there was a door. Carved with humble yet pleasing patterns, it stood tall and looked down at me to give me a warm smile.

"Welcome." It was ushering me in.

Peeking into the room, there was a person inside, playing a piano. The amount of warmth and mellow sounds flowing out of that piano was overwhelming. Somehow, this song seemed familiar. My vision blurred as I turned around to search through my memories.


"Play for us, please~!" Someone called out from the audience.

I didn't have any control over my actions. My fingers took charge of the keys in front of me. Then it all flowed out like a new stream. Soft, gentle fingers dancing on black and white keys. I wasn't aware of what I was playing, instead I was determined to remember the tune. The trills, triplets and story.


Opening my eyes, I tried to remember the lost tune.
All I ever remembered was that it was wonderful. I played like it was my song, my story.

Will I ever be able to tell stories in the future like that?
I got thinking about my future.
I want to see my future self, standing right next to me, telling me of the things she does.
Smiling warmly at me, I want here to be there by my side, recounting about her adventures and experiences.

As much as I enjoy listening to people pouring their emotions into their wordless stories, I want to feel what its like to play for people as well.

No longer will I hide myself amongst a crowd to act as one. I am myself. Therefore I will walk my own unique path to help others and tell my own story.

Weeks later, I heard a soft voice calling out to me.
"Listen to my story" It offered.

"Okay I will."
Her story and mine, it felt connected.
Little did I know that she was me.



Yes. With some spare internet at my disposal, I decided to help my friend out. Little did I know that I opened up a grand door to my locked emotions.

My friend was in need of a contemporary piano song for her music solo performance so I decided to help her out. That is what friends do, right?

First suggestion: "Just the way you are" by Bruno Mars.
It just came up as a first thought. Then as I thought more about it, the melody didn't seem to stand out a lot. Seeing it from what I saw my friend as, I needed something more sentimental. So then came the second suggestion: Nobuo Uematsu songs.

With him being the composer of various games such as the famous 'Final Fantasy' series, what could go wrong? Well I guess To Zanarkand was a tad too common. Then I went on to research and think more about it.

What kind of music would be strong enough to pull on your heartstrings?

After much debating and silly comments and laughs, an idea struck me.
Why not Yiruma?
At that time, I was like an inexperienced child unaware of the sounds that came flowing from the fingers of that man. "River Flows in You" Was the only song by Yiruma that I owned in a mp3 file format however it was too...
Let me rephrase that: It didn't fit. Somehow it just didn't.

So I thought about the other songs that I heard were good from Yiruma. I was mistaken.
His music is indescribable with words. Music like that... Is made to be speechless.
Ha. How ironic. Remember when teachers used to tell you to make the music 'sing'?

Yiruma makes music tell a story with notes that come to life.

I especially love it when he plays with the triplets like a father with his child and the clashing chords which fit like a teenager with his/her parent who is trying to be 'cool'. Music should be played like this. It should be expressed. I love how instruments show others how music can teach people to listen.

Sure you can hear.
But are you capable of listening?

Pick out the parts you like.
Sink into the feeling of soft fingers dancing.
Close your eyes and savour it.
Picture a blank canvas and paint it with feelings.
Be surprised.

Enjoy music!

I was going to put up an online dictionary definition of 'music' but it just seemed wrong. Music cannot be defined with words. It must be heard and felt, almost as if it is tangible.

So on the note, I present to you,
Tears On Love by Yiruma.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Dear mum.


The words just get trampled by your nagging.
Heh. It just seems like the words simple roll off my tongue but were never heard. I never liked your comments. They always seemed to be as if you expected me to fly the next day.

For a split second, I thought that it would be fine if I simply slipped anyways. Who cares if the shadow is hurt.

Thats right. I'm just a simple shadow. Nothing goes wrong If I get things thrown at me, or if I get shouted at. Nothing. I simply follow behind like a shell.

I guess nothing is ever good enough for you.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Pavement Art.

So this Friday is going to be the day of our school's annual Pavement Art day. I signed up with a couple of my friend and we are pumped!

We are going to attempt a 3-D drawing and it is going to be a challenge but we are determined to pull it off. Searching on the school computers for tutorials and flat pictures of the result, I'm sure that we will be able to pull off a satisfying illusion!

Here is an example of what were were aiming to do initially.

Happy drawing!

Friday, March 25, 2011


This is.... Very interesting.
I just came back from watching a movie (Limitless). I would say that it was.... Gosh.
It wasn't Toy Story 3 good. Neither was it... Horrible.
I guess out of a scale of 1-10 (10 being mind blastingly awesome)
It would be a 6/10.

Although the 'Limitless' pill in the movie was not real, the effects got me thinking about what I could do and all the possibilities I could hold. The pill simple does some sort of 'awakening process' and you were able to access 100% of your brain. The main character described it as a driving force wanting to get work done. I guess if you put it into a realistic situation, that kind of attitude doesn't really need some sort of magic pill to work. People all around the world have been working off their butts wanting to see a change in their community. That really got me thinking: "If I had that sort of drive to get work done, I'm sure these internals would just pass by like a summer breeze."

So I will work hard. And I will pull my head up to optimism.
私は一所懸命にがんばって、インタナールをする! Fight-o!

But other than that.... Sabah. My gosh I would hug you a million times right now if I could. Your godly English help was fantastic. Because I am stubborn as a mule, I never even crossed past the thought of changing my seminar's focus question entirely. Many thanks.

History: So far so good. Just had an info swap with L. I am on a roll.
Gotta keep the cheese rolling up the hill to get it coming down smoothly right?
[Please don't ask. It just popped out of no-where.]


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Have you seen my new found interest?
A hu hu.
Its back to POKEMON!!
Since black/white (dusk/dawn) is already out, I began to do a little bit of research.

First discovery of research.
N = <3 cheren=" Intellect" touko=" Actually">Lampure->Chandelure

Well I guess its not as bad as the starter pokemon... But I are still disappoint. D:<

Formally, a Menger sponge can be defined as follows:

M := \bigcap_{n\in\mathbb{N}} M_n

where M0 is the unit cube and

M_{n+1} := \left\{\begin{matrix} (x,y,z)\in\mathbb{R}^3: &  \begin{matrix}\exists i,j,k\in\{0,1,2\}: (3x-i,3y-j,3z-k)\in M_n \\ \mbox{and at most one of }i,j,k\mbox{ is equal to 1}\end{matrix} \end{matrix}\right\}.
Which then brings me to talk about 'Enharmionics' as well. Smart way to describe N =w=
Long story short: N is the 'king' of Team Plasma and they believe that Pokemon and Humans should be treated equally. (Communism?)

In Pythagorean tuning, all pitches are generated from a series of justly tuned perfect fifths, each with a ratio of 3 to 2. If the first note in the series is an A, the twelfth note in the series, G, will be higher than the seventh octave (octave = ratio of 1 to 2, seven octaves is 1 to 27 = 128) of the A by a small interval called a Pythagorean comma. This interval is expressed mathematically as:

\frac{\hbox{twelve fifths}}{\hbox{seven octaves}} =\left(\tfrac32\right)^{12} \!\!\bigg/\, 2^{7} = \frac{3^{12}}{2^{19}} = \frac{531441}{524288} = 1.0136432647705078125 \!

Don't worry. My guess is as good as yours. So just sit back, relax, and just smile and nod. :D

P.s. N is the pretty one to the right with luscious green hair. >w<


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

On the funner side...

I found this amazing tri-coloured colour pencil down at the spare room. It was a thick, triangular, colour pencil with a core consisting of a red, blue and yellow mixed lead.

Amazing huh?!

Then I started searching up some of the similar pencils, wondering if there were other amazing colours.

Turns out I was right.


Friday, March 18, 2011


So yesterday after school and today in the afternoon, I spent an hour or so researching about the Passchendaele battles and New Zealand's involvement with World War 1. To be honest, I am thoroughly slapped awake, back into the reality. In this world, you either live or die. Sad, yet true.

The Third Battle of Ypres (Pronounced 'Yeep.' and rhymes with 'meep.' :D) was the battle in which more that 3,000 New Zealand soldiers' lives were lost.
GRACE is the awesome-est sister in the world!!!!!! love, sister kelly
Yes, sis, we all know how awesome of a sister you are. =_=
\locks her up in the janitor's closet.

So moving on... Off topic. :D

Our house is now, sadly, the new home of these.. Dirty, thieving rats.

I am disappointed.
Ugh. Not only is it degrading living with that thing, knowing that it creeps around our kitchen cabinets at night, but it is also very irritating knowing that they ate our RICE and pooped on our garlic and ginger.

There are three things that make my asian dinners so... Beautifully 'azn'.

During year 10 camp, I was a bit 'off' per se, without my regular intake of rice. The camp was three days long.

Dear Rat,


Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I finished. :D

Describe at least one technique that helped make the writer's idea(s) clear to you in each text. Explain why the technique(s) made the idea(s) clear to you in each text.

In the two texts David by Bub Bridger and Ursula at Parakakariki by Fiona Farrell, the important idea of growing up was shown through the use of language. Striking techniques such as contrast, symbolism and metaphor helped both writers highlight the idea of growing up effectively.

Ursula at Parakakariki is about a young girl leaving home to begin her new journey. Farrell used an extended metaphor to compare Ursula to a white bird, eager to leave home and take flight. “(S)he rises in feathers, she rises alone” This comparison is then later developed through the poem with the repetition of the word “Feather”. (e.g. “(R)ises in feathers… (F)eathered in soft rain, feathered in light.”)The Idea of growing up is highlighted with extended metaphor, giving readers an image of Ursula preparing herself, ready to “Fly”.

David by Bub Bridger is about a mother growing to love her son. Bridger uses symbolism and describes the mother and son’s love with a Viyella blanket. “The Viyella blanket I wrapped you in… (N)ot knowing or (c)aring what you looked like” This quote showed readers that David still loved his mother unconditionally, knowing that she would return the affection back. This symbol of love is then further developed later into the poem “One day I would wake up to a love so easy… (W)raps around me like your Viyella Blanket.” The idea of growing up is shown to the reader through the simple child-like love between David and his mother portrayed as a Viyella blanket.

Contrast was also used in the two texts to show the idea of growing up. Farrell uses the contrast between stepping “(F)rom land to thin bright air” to show a strong imagery of Ursula stepping away from the comfort of her home, taking flight into unstable, perilous skies. This highlights that Ursula’s journey is going to be different without her mother’s guidance. Similarly, Bridger uses contrast to compare her “(B)ig-headed (b)ullet of a boy” son to her first perfect daughter, “(T)hat flower that pale angel” This contrast shows readers that David’s mother was unable to love him at first because he was a big headed son unlike her other fragile innocent daughter. Growing up was evident in this contrast because David’s mother was judging her son by his appearance, unaware of the simple but effective love he was able to give her later in the poem.

The Idea of growing up was dimnant in the two texts by Farrell and Bridger. Ursula at Parakakariki and David had language features such as metaphor, symbolism and contrast to help readers understand the changes we undergo when growing up.

Word count: 436

Please give me a score~
N [ ] (Not Achieved)
A [ ](Achieved)
M[ ](Merit)
E [ ](Excellence)


Saturday, March 12, 2011


A lot of things are in mind at the moment. I'll just course through the contents of the post for now.


Lets start with the most solemn news...
As you all know, there was a 8.9 magnitude earthquake over at Japan. It is shocking. Right now I am at loss for words, to be honest. The sheer terror and strength of the tsunami which hit the north eastern coast of Japan is phenomenal. May God be with them at their time of utmost need.

Ugh. Out of all weekends, my parents chose this one to spend it in a sulphur stinking town. No offense. I just can't stand the smell of rotten egg. The spas are fabulous, its just the smell that puts me off.

Life. Continued from the paragraph above, this weekend was one of the most cultural ones I was gonna experience. Saturday was Fia Fia night and Sunday was Japan day. Wry?! Gosh. At least Monday I'll be going to the museum for History research. Fun fun.

Khr: Proness. :D
Art: Taken some lovely landscape pictures, painting to be done when free time is available.
History: Passchendaele, here I come =w=
Japanese: Time for essay writing power leveling. And speaking of power leveling..

So true, so true.
And on this note, I shall end the post~


Thursday, March 10, 2011


もみじ、or also known as 'Momiji' when pronounced in romaji, is the japanese word for a maple tree.

So yes, this post is about Autumn. Although March is still classified as Summer, I'd say otherwise. For the past few days, the mornings have been chilly. I actually used my jumper, and it has a huge gaping hole at the back. =_=

Moving along, art. I know that I have been dragging on this topic for a while now but I am nervous. I admit it. I am nervous about taking art next year. After observing what everyone else was doing to get that desired quality of work, I got intimidated and scared by their passion and dying will for art.

Then I started questioning myself. Do I really love art? Is this all just an illusion to satisfy my desires to relax and create? Apparently year 12 art is more... free. I'll just keep on telling myself that. There's nothing more fulfilling that a good thought in mind right?

Math. I got excellenceeee. :D

Aim: Try not to be such an ass and hyperventilate because I think I will azn fail. I feel bad now.

So far: 53 excellence credits. YAY~


Monday, March 7, 2011


What puts you at ease to remember the good old times? For me, its when I sit down with peace of mind and listen to soothing music. One of the most emotional pieces of music I've ever listened to is Tifa's theme. It really shows character and a sense of belonging. Tifa Lockheart was the kind of person who really cared. I mean.. The way her theme was phrased made me feel somewhat homesick. The notes all float upwards towards the surface, as if asking a question.

"Will I ever get to see everyone else back there again?"
"Of course you will you silly."

I love this song because.. There's always a soothing reply giggling back at you.

ティファ: 逃げないで、一緒に闘わない?

Tifa: Why not quit running, and let’s fight this together?

ティファ: みんなで助け合って、がんばろうよ

Tifa: If everyone helps each other, we can do it.

ティファ: 本当の家族じゃないから、ダメか

Tifa: Or maybe not, since we’re not a real family?

クラウド: 俺には誰も助けられないと思うんだ。家族だろうが、仲間だろうが・・・ 誰も

Cloud : I know I’m not fit to help anyone. Not my family, not my friends… No one.

ティファ: ズルズルズルズル

Tifa : "Zuru Zuru"- An onomatopoeia for a dragging sound

ティファ: ズルズルズルズル!

Tifa: Such a heavy, heavy weight!

レノ: いつまで引きずってるんだ、と

Reno : How long ya gonna carry that weight, yo?

Remember. No one is ever alone. Even in a busy crowd, it is easy to feel the emotion of loneliness. But whenever you feel like no one understands you or know how you feel, people will be there for you. Your family, friends, help will always be by your side. Don't bother carrying all that weight by yourself.


エアリス: もう、だいじょうぶ、だね

Aeris: It will be okay, right?

クラウド: うん。俺は・・・一人じゃない

CloudYeah. I’m… I’m not alone.
