Friday, July 29, 2011

Why thank you, Captain Obvious.

Well for heaven's sake,
how would I know that reading your mind was part of living under the same roof as you?

I'm so sick of all these expectations.
Absolutely sick .
It does me good to say that I am a hypocrite.

Not that anyone would understand anyways.
Oh sorry, is my stupidity rubbing off on you?
I'll just leave now.

You be welcome.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I don't need your words

Save your breath. It ain't worth my time.
The key is hidden in music.

I don't need a poem, or a bouquet.
Neither do I enjoy words laced with notes.
It just isn't right.

Let your instrument tell the story.
Fill it with words hidden behind a veil.

Make me speechless for all the right reasons.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Whoops. Neglected blog much?
I've been writing fanfiction recently so I guess that's the cause.
Furthermore, I have decided to reduce blogging into a 'sometimes food'. Not only does it take effort to blog almost everyday, but it is also worrying to know that I tend to think about what to blog, to the state that I result to procrastination. Well hey, speak of the devil.
\stares at homework on the table.

So anywho, I have decided to get a life
\yay~ \o/

I will come back to blog every now and then. Ish.
P.s. Loving my awesome Yosuke icon? Yes, I went icon crazy on Live Journal.
Its very addicting.
You have been warned. 8|