Friday, October 14, 2011

Dead tired.

After training for two hours of badminton, I fell dead. Not only did my body troll me by choking out blood, but I also woke up with sore limbs. Walking around the house like a crippled old prune, I think that it is best if I sit here and rest for the whole day.

Speaking of resting, I HAS PSP GAMES /o/
My friend lent me her hard drive with all the psp games on itttt~ I just started playing FF7 Crisis core the other day and I just realized how much I suck at fighting games now :L Furthermore, I also attempted Dissidia, only to be bashed up by Sephiroth. I guess I'll just go back to cooking mama and PL. ; u ;

\skips away.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sherbert, shooken, torchure.

Sound familiar? Maybe not for you, but it certainly was for me.
For the past 5 odd hours, I have played the most grueling game of 'guess these two words which begin with an 's' and a 'h', has three syllables and the second word looks like hand.'

Oh life can be such a troll. B|
So after one and a half breakdowns and a couple of 'who goes there' moments with the rats, I am able to sleep at last. If a round two ever arises, I will hunt said person down and punch them senseless.

You have been warned.

P.s. then again... It was my curiosity, stubbornness and fail spelling abilities that kind of led to this predicament. Oh well.