Friday, April 9, 2010

Domestic Instruments......?

Yes. Well... I've always thought of my violin as my pet... So then ideas popped up and bing batta boom! We got some domestic instruments. My pe- err Violin has feelings. Honest. =_=

One time I had to replace two strings and they both broke. So my violin teacher had to lend me his spare strings which weren't very good/suitable for my violin. Boy did my violin hate it. It yelled and screamed with disapproval and even made a muted sound as if stubborn to reply to me! D:

So today... I went to buy new strings, but of course mum told me to ask the man to replace them for me. He did them perfectly and we went back home with smiles on our faces~ (Not to mention the opportunity to eat at a cafe for breakfast!) I fine tuned the violin once more and found that it had a scratchy screeching sound. Now that reminded me of an unhappy pet who just took a trip to the vet for a check up. (You have no idea what they do to check your temperature. First they get this thermometer thing and shove it up your- yeah. You know what I'm talking about...) So my violin has been mentally post stick'ed to be the house cat. Unpredictable as always, very pampered... And hates check ups. I think it even ate my tuner and played with my spare A string... I swear I need a violin councilor.. Soy sauce said that she charges $5/hour. Reasonable, no? Haha. The Psychology of a 200year old french violin... Figures.

Which left me with the question of... What would other instruments syombolise?

My opinion is...

Violins are cats. Because they are pampered, expensive (At times) and hate you if you change anything. (most of the time)

Cellos would be dogs because they are even more expensive, but more err.. friendly. Apparently a person singing is closest to the range of a cello than anyother instrument. So cellos are man's best friend?

Pianos would be birds or a canary to be more specific. Its always singing and the music is always in a 'cage' (strings inside the piano)

Flutes would be fish or goldfish. Seriously, one of the easiest to maintain, just wash up the flute (fishtank) everyday. And just imagine trying to play a flute underwater.... My bubbles! :D

And that was all I could think of... Sorry if I missed your instrument!! (I'm not very familiar with woodwind/brass instruments...)

So enjoy taking care of your domestic pets/instruments!

Kitty! :D

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