Friday, April 1, 2011


Yes. With some spare internet at my disposal, I decided to help my friend out. Little did I know that I opened up a grand door to my locked emotions.

My friend was in need of a contemporary piano song for her music solo performance so I decided to help her out. That is what friends do, right?

First suggestion: "Just the way you are" by Bruno Mars.
It just came up as a first thought. Then as I thought more about it, the melody didn't seem to stand out a lot. Seeing it from what I saw my friend as, I needed something more sentimental. So then came the second suggestion: Nobuo Uematsu songs.

With him being the composer of various games such as the famous 'Final Fantasy' series, what could go wrong? Well I guess To Zanarkand was a tad too common. Then I went on to research and think more about it.

What kind of music would be strong enough to pull on your heartstrings?

After much debating and silly comments and laughs, an idea struck me.
Why not Yiruma?
At that time, I was like an inexperienced child unaware of the sounds that came flowing from the fingers of that man. "River Flows in You" Was the only song by Yiruma that I owned in a mp3 file format however it was too...
Let me rephrase that: It didn't fit. Somehow it just didn't.

So I thought about the other songs that I heard were good from Yiruma. I was mistaken.
His music is indescribable with words. Music like that... Is made to be speechless.
Ha. How ironic. Remember when teachers used to tell you to make the music 'sing'?

Yiruma makes music tell a story with notes that come to life.

I especially love it when he plays with the triplets like a father with his child and the clashing chords which fit like a teenager with his/her parent who is trying to be 'cool'. Music should be played like this. It should be expressed. I love how instruments show others how music can teach people to listen.

Sure you can hear.
But are you capable of listening?

Pick out the parts you like.
Sink into the feeling of soft fingers dancing.
Close your eyes and savour it.
Picture a blank canvas and paint it with feelings.
Be surprised.

Enjoy music!

I was going to put up an online dictionary definition of 'music' but it just seemed wrong. Music cannot be defined with words. It must be heard and felt, almost as if it is tangible.

So on the note, I present to you,
Tears On Love by Yiruma.


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