Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Feathers and strings.

Today has been FREEZING cold. I was shivering the whole day and my friend was shocked to see my hands pale, with visible blue veins and as cold as ice. Not a surprise under the conditions of the teeth chattering wind... But apart from that, today has been the same ol' average Joe.

I am avoiding my English novel study homework because of that horrid experience with Noughts and Crosses. An unforgettable, filthy act etched into my mind. =_=
Also, I am tired and sick of people jumping to conclusions. Just Shut-Up!! Jesus Christ. It ain't that hard. You bring your lips together and DON'T MAKE A SOUND. Its not rocket science!!

Yesterday I broke my badminton strings... I guess it was about time anyways. Changed them to white BG68 strings~! Can't wait to see that shine~ I'm thinking of going for a pure theme after seeing Kuroshitsuji with the crazy/awesome/GG fallen angel. Plus everything 'cool' is based around the angel theme. For example, in Ragnarok when you level up angel wings appear and the Valkyrie is a winged angel that is a crazy boss. In Maplestory, if you see someone with wings you immediately think 'OMGEE YOU CEREAL?!' etc, so on so forth.

Next Tuesday a christian school from Melaka, Malaysia will be welcomed to our school for a friendly game of netball and badminton. I am so excited!! This is my first experience of skipping classes to play badminton I get to skip out on health, math and sadly music... But this means I have to bring BOTH my violin case AND my badminton gear... But its all worth it~
I'm bringing yummy spring rolls for the shared lunch as well ^^

Haha we had... Cabonara and Spaghetti for dinner with roasted potatoes, delish! And then tomorrow for breakfast is the same sauce with Risotto pasta :3

Do you know why breakfast is called 'breakfast' ?
It is because... When you wake up (around 7am) its been around... 12 since you last ate right? So we eat a huge meal to 'break' our 'fast'! Thus this important meal of the day is called... Breakfast!

Haha hope this 'whack theory' of the day has made your day increase it's count of smiles by one~


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